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Digital MCI Badges for Extracurricular Activities

The Entrepreneurial School®, a pioneer in e-learning - digital badges for additionally-acquired skills facilitate career planning and a career start– fostering of extraordinary student commitment

Digital MCI Badges for Extracurricular Activities


Digital badges" are digital certificates that describe and qualitatively document acquired skills. In contrast to traditional certificates in paper form, badges can be collected in a virtual backpack and distributed online as required. For example, badges can be imported into a personal LinkedIn profile at the push of a button; interested employers or project partners can use the badge to find out more about the skills that they have acquired and the corresponding verification, and the issuing institution itself.

In the previous academic year, around 60 students at MCI took advantage of the opportunity to acquire additional skills and knowledge, parallel to their regular studies, in subjects such as Responsible Management, Digital Communication, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Scientific Data Management, International Career Skills, etc.

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e-solution: Esperonus