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Home About BMDA Objectives


Main objectives of the Baltic Management Development Association are the following:
  • To promote understanding of modern management, and to promote the development and coordination of legislative acts on a national, regional and international scale;
  • To promote high education standards in management education;
  • To develop methods of management education and research and to facilitate their application;
  • To promote cooperation between the academic and the business environment in the area of management;
  • To promote the exchange of opinions, the harmonization of terminology, the development of concepts, and the usage of relevant literature in the area of management;
  • To organize conferences, seminars, and other events on current management issues;
  • To carry out a purposeful popularization of management profession and management education by involving mass media and disseminating informative literature;
  • To represent the Association members and their professional interests in public institutions;
  • To act as a discussion forum for the Association members, promoting the exchange of academic and professional information and knowledge;
  • To promote the professional development of young management educators and professionals;
  • To establish and coordinate contacts with national and international management associations in foreign countries.


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