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CEEMAN community shares reflections on COVID-19 implications

CEEMAN received many contributions from members and partners on their experience, challenges, discoveries, and reflections on adapting to the disruption caused by COVID-19. You are welcome to explore all of them!

Given the variety of institutional and regional contexts, we all have unique stories to tell. This is a great time to learn from each other, provide inspiration, and share valuable lessons with the international community. Please find some of the shared lessons and insights below, while you can access much more of them here.

The more resilient will survive: a crisis plan for universities

Today there is much discussion among universities about how the education system will look like after such a crisis. Simply transitioning to full online learning is already a great challenge for educators. The Ukrainian Catholic University has succeeded in reconfiguring, but it has not been easy. Read more

COVID will make leaders get back to reality

We are living undoubtedly one of the world's darkest hours. There is pain among many and confusion among most of us. Dr. Claudio A. Rivera, Associate Professor in Leadership at Riga Business School, Latvia, focuses on the feeling of confusion in this article. Read more

CBS International Business School: Exceptional times require exceptional measures

If we had been asked a month ago whether we at CBS International Business School could switch to online teaching within a week, we would have laughed out loud. But we did it! In just one week, we succeeded in turning our entire teaching process upside down! In the first two weeks, we were able to offer its students over 800 online lectures – and the lecture hall moved to the living room. Read more

GIBS, South Africa: Acting quickly and decisively - an imperative for survival

If the COVID-19 crisis has taught us anything, it is the importance of quick, decisive action to avert catastrophe. The University of Pretoria's Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS), like many business schools, faces unprecedented change as learning methodologies, business environments and markets are turned on their head. Follow the School’s responses as it pivots to respond to this international pandemic. Read more

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