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Dr. Alenka Braček Lalić joins CEEMAN as IQA Director

As of 1 September 2015, Dr. Alenka Braček Lalić has joined CEEMAN as Director of IQA-International Quality Accreditation.

Alenka holds PhD from the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana in the area of internationalization and quality assurance in higher education, and BSc in social work studies. She has been senior advisor in NAKVIS, Slovene national accreditation agency for several years, and in this position has worked with many educational institutions and accreditation organizations around Europe. She has also been a lecturer, a researcher, and funding grants consultant.

Prof. Jim Ellert, who has served as IQA Director since 2013, will continue his active involvement as advisor and reviewer for IQA, and as Academic Director of CEEMAN’s IMTA-International Management Teachers Academy.


CEEMAN members and partners will have the opportunity to meet Alenka already at the upcoming 23rd CEEMAN Annual Conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan on 23-26 September, where she will lead IQA information session together with Dr. Irina Sennikova (Rector of RISEBA, Latvia), CEEMAN Vice-President and IQA Accreditation Committee member.

Alenka can be contacted at, tel +386 4 57 92 570.


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