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EFMD Smart Data Management Workshop

Join us online 13 & 17 June for a two-session Smart Data Management Workshop and learn, by example, how to develop data requirements to collect the right, reliable data from the right people and how to communicate the data as a source for solving problems and identifying opportunities.

Data management plays a central role in leading modern business schools forward. It supports external compliance, accreditation, rankings, stakeholder accountability, strategizing, risk management, internal management-by-objectives, portfolio performance measurement, assurance of learning, publishing and granting quality assurance more generally – a list that can easily be further extended.

As a consequence, business schools have to collect, process, analyze and maintain more data than ever before. This trend of institutional management becoming more data-driven is likely to continue in the foreseeable future.

As data management is assuming a more strategic role in business school development, it also requires systematic senior management attention. This how-to workshop will provide you with the tools to understand the power of data for creating strategy and finding ways to source, build, embed and recycle data in a smart and simple way for multiple purposes.

In this two-session workshop, you will develop an in-depth understanding of Smart Data Management in business schools and higher education contexts using an ecosystem perspective and you will be able to evaluate the positioning of your institution in the light of the basic principles and best practices of SDM.

Learn more and register.
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