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EU Business School, RISEBA University and TSEBA awarded IQA Accreditation

CEEMAN is very proud to announce that EU Business School, RISEBA University and Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration (TSEBA) from Tallinn University of Technology, have been awarded International Quality Accreditation (IQA).

EU Business School was awarded initial IQA accreditation 2011. On the basis of the self-assessment report and site visit to EU Business School in 2015, it was acknowledged that the school has made significant progress in institutional development and at the same time recognized that course and program designs conform to international quality standards. All fundamental pillars of the school connected to the resources, facilities, programs and internal processes meet CEEMAN international quality standards. Additionally, EU Business School is also innovative in on-line courses and program delivery and is very international in the composition of its student body, faculty, and staff.

RISEBA University was one of the firsts IQA accredited institutions. Initial IQA accreditation was awarded already in 2001 and re-awarded in 2008 for maintaining the same level of excellence and outstanding performances. On the basis of the self-assessment report and site visit to RISEBA in 2015, it was affirmed that RISEBA continues to meet CEEMAN international quality standards connected to the resources, facilities, programs and internal processes. Moreover, during the re-accreditation process RISEBA has proved once again that it fully responds to the needs of local and wider environment and is entirely committed to the continuous quality enhancement.

On the basis of the self-assessment report and site visit to Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration (TSEBA) in September 2015, it was acknowledged that TSEBA has very strong research culture, high quality of teaching and learning and an admirable level of internationalization. Regarding research excellence it has been recognized that TSEBA faculty are fully committed and dedicated to research productivity which has had a positive impact on teaching and learning process. Concerning pedagogical excellence, current students, Alumni, and employers are all positive on the quality of the education provided by TSEBA. Student evaluations of the quality of faculty classroom delivery are above 4 on a five point scale. Relating to internationalization, TSEBA has already been able to reach a high level of internationalization, since about 15 % of the TSEBA students come from abroad. Nearly 450 international students from 43 countries are currently studying in English language programs at TSEBA; in addition, approximately 150 exchange students are studying under the Erasmus program. TSEBA has also been successful in internationalizing the faculty.

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