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QI2 workshop: Quality, Internationalisation, Impact

Achieving excellence by interlinking the quality, internationalisation and impact agendas

When: 30 Sep - 2 Oct 2019
Where: Tallinn, Estonia
Host: TalTech School of Business and Governance
Target group: The qi2 workshop has been designed for programme directors, programme managers, faculty involved in the management and governance of degree programmes, quality assurance officers and related professional roles.
The workshop will help you to think strategically about the positioning of degree programmes in your home institution. You will explore what the key drivers of quality are and how a developmental focus on the international perspective and (business and societal) impact can help to achieve (international) market recognition.
In this workshop, you will:
  • Explore the role of an integrated learning outcome system for managing the students’ learning experience;
  • Learn how to shape content coverage, pedagogical approaches and quality assurance to keep degree programmes on a quality improvement trajectory;
  • Develop an in-depth understanding how the coordination between academic departments, programme management teams, and quality assurance officers is influencing performance and development of degree programmes;
  • Understand how transversal programme features such as internationalisation, corporate relevance & engagement and social impact are shaping the competitive positioning of degree programmes as well as the ability to achieve international accreditation;
  • Learn how to measure and manage internationalisation, corporate relevance & engagement as well as the societal dimension of degree programmes;
  • Link the workshop content to their own professional achievements and sketch an action plan to implement workshop learning.
We look forward to seeing you in Tallinn! For more information and to register, please visit the event webpage.
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