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Professor of UDG, prof.dr Zoran Djikanovic, was a participant – moderator and orator at a panel at CHAIN 2020, one of the largest educational gatherings held in Hong Kong on the 15th of January.


CHAIN 2020

UDG provides chances and a network so that these ideas and concepts can be accepted and applied:

  • ·         UDG already established a Blockchain classroom
  • ·         Students are already enabled to attend practice at high-tech companies.

Focus subjects are: Blockchain technology, future of money, future of FinTech, artificial intelligence and Big Data.


UDG Blockchain classroom held 4 cycles of lectures about Blockchain and new technologies. Lecturers at those 4 cycles were the most famous experts known to these fields, all the way from Australia, China, Estonia, UAE, themes:


•         Introduction to Blockchain,

•         New financial instruments,

•         Blockchain - A new paradigm,


•         "How to include Blockchain, IoT, Big Data, Computing, in teaching and curricula".


Modules “Blockchain”, “Big Data”, “loT”, “Digital economy”, are already being lectured in the frame of the Eurostat Master Programme called “European statistics”


The fourth cycle of education regarding the theme “How to incorporate Blockchain, loT, Big Data, Computing in teaching and teaching programmes?” was held on the 10th of December 2019.


For this fourth cycle a company named WaykiChain, from Shenzhen, China, was called, being that it is a pioneer in development and applying the blockchain technology and new digital biotechnologies, as well as business processes based on them.

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