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VMU’s Faculty of Economics and Management Eduniversal award

Faculty of Economics and Management in Vytautas Magnus university is well known business school around the country and internationally as well. This year the faculty was evaluated as excellent business school by Eduniversal – international business ranking. FEM got 3 Palmes, which means that faculty is nationally strong and align with other 700 best business schools in the world.

This year the award of ranking was in Boston (JAV), where VMU Faculty of Economics and Management was represented by prof. P. Zukauskas. The Faculty reached the second place of rank by palmes league among all Lithuania’s universities in the list.


The aim of Eduniversal business universities’ ranking is objectively compare various business and management schools around the world. The ranking helps for students and academic staff choose university for studies and work as well. There are 1000 business schools from 154 countries all over the world, which are evaluated by Eduniversal ranking.

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