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Volunteering “infects”

The donation box is the realization of theoretical knowledge of students who study in the Faculty of Social Sciences (Šiauliai University) in practice. Everything started a year ago when teacher of Marketing gave the task to help any organization with marketing activities.

 Students have done a lot of activities but the things did not end. Students gathered in a group of volunteers and decided to help Šiauliai branch animal shelter constantly.

That is the first action for society of Šiauliai in order all the citizens could contribute to the treatment, sterilization and vaccination of animals.

It was agreed that the donation box will stand at the centre of fashion and leisure “Saulės miestas” half a year. Students from other faculties, adult people with families and pupils, various organizations have joined the voluntary activity.

According the accountant of Šiauliai branch animal shelter I. Makauskaitė, students spent their time for a noble job. It is difficult for animals to heal up and to live without help of people.


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