Student projects
Guidelines for the information added in the "Student projects" section
Mai Bangkok Business Challenge® @ Sasin 2012
The "mai Bangkok Business Challenge® @ Sasin 2012" cordially invites graduate student team(s) from member schools of BMDA-Baltic Management Development Association to submit a business plan that is proactive in sustainable development.
‘mai Bangkok Business Challenge® @ Sasin 2013’
The ‘mai Bangkok Business Challenge® @ Sasin 2013’ cordially invites graduate student teams from member schools of BMDA – Baltic Management Development Association to submit a business plan that is proactive in sustainable development.
Project Management Championship 2013 Lietuva
Young Crew Lietva organizes The First Lithuanian Project Management Championship 2013, which aims - to promote project management in Lithuania and encourage young people to take interest in project management. In Championship can participate student teams from higher education institutions. Student teams consists of 3-4 persons. Championship consists of two stages: the qualifying and finals. Of course, the Championship winners can expect noteworthy awards. If you are a student and you are interested in project management, register for the First Lithuanian Project Management Championship 2013, which will be held in English.