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Home News BMDA PARTICIPATION AT THE MONTENEGRO Economists development forum


September 13, 2016 President of BMDA and Dean of Adizes Graduate School (AGS), Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas, made a speech at the Milocer development forum in Montenegro on the topic of "Education for Sustainable development".

Dr. V. Kundrotas pointed out the importance of awareness of education what needs it should serve and what ultimate purpose it has in order to assure sustainable development. He stressed the needs (short and long term) of the students as a client of education and paid attention to the importance of helping students to be aware of it.
The Forum has been attended by more than 200 managers, economists, ministers of the Montenegro government, professors and students from various universities of Montenegro. The Prime minister of Montenegro, Mr. Milo Dukanovic, also took part and spoke in the Forum.
BMDA and its institutional member UDG university from Donna Gorica, were co-organizers of the Forum.

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