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Home News BMDA president at Business forum in Cairo

BMDA president at Business forum in Cairo

President of BMDA Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas, delivered a speech at the Business forum in Cairo, Egypt, organized by leading African Business school- AUC School of Business - American University in Cairo)

On the 9 - 11 of February, 2020, President of BMDA Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas, who is also Dean of Adizes Graduate School (USA) and MD of Adizes Lithuania, Senior Adizes Associate delivered a speech at the Business forum in Cairo, Egypt, organized by leading African Business school- AUC School of Business -  American University in Cairo)

The forum included five roundtables where 30 well known academics, business, industry leaders and policy makers from Egypt, Africa, Middle East and other parts of the world were discussing issues related to business and management development, executive education, responsible business, inclusive development.

During those  discussions, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas shared ideas and recommendations regarding the issues and questions related to change management and team building. He also explained to the audience how Adizes organizational transformation methodology gives efficient and effective tools for managing change in a competitive and dynamic environment.

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