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BSIS Webinar: Assessing the impact of research in business schools

The 2022 EFMD Business School Impact System (BSIS) Webinar ‘Assessing the impact of research in Business Schools’ will bring together business schools to explore why they need to demonstrate the impact of their research and propose some potential methods for doing so.

Business schools recognise the need to produce timely research on pressing problems and topics with strong social value in an uncertain world. However, indicators of research impact tend to feature metrics that focus solely on internal stakeholders.

In this webinar, you will:

  • explore reasons why business schools need to demonstrate the impact of research;
  • develop a better understanding of methods for measuring research impact; plan for evidence of success;
  • understand how to assess research impact within the ecosystem in which business schools operate;
  • bring to the fore the importance of ensuring that research has external impact.

The webinar programme includes BSIS case studies and guest speakers from a range of business schools, as well as an introduction to Impact Services from Emerald Publishing, an online tool to measure research impact.

Join us for this two-part webinar on 3-4 February from 14:00-17:00 CEST to share the experiences and practices of schools across the EFMD Global network.

Learn more about this programme in our blog post by BSIS Senior Advisor Debra Leighton, "Assessing the impact of research in business schools: seven good reasons to work with BSIS to build the full picture".

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