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Home News "Effective Team Management Adizes Integrators’ Training" in Vilnius, Lithuania

"Effective Team Management Adizes Integrators’ Training" in Vilnius, Lithuania

On September 3-9, 2018 President of BMDA, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas conducted the intensive 7-day "Effective Team Management Adizes Integrators’ Training" in Vilnius, Lithuania. First time ever the training was conducted in Lithuanian language and was attended by representatives of various Lithuanian companies.

During training sessions, the participants learned how to effectively and efficiently hold meetings, tackling different levels of problems and achieving the optimal result. During the course of their work various techniques of Adizes organizational transformation methodology were demonstrated and applied, enabling the team to achieve the maximum result in the shortest possible time. During the training, simulations of real situations and tasks were used, where each participant could actually test himself in the role of the meeting Integrator.

Participants provided fantastic feedback after the training. Many of them said that this training changed them as personalities...They started to behave differently back in their families and already experienced positive outcome... That also will help them to integrate effective meetings in their organizations.

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